Considering the wide variety of web hosting services readily available, it’s perfectly understandable that deciding on a single type is tough. Prior to making a decision, you should assess the needs of your business. Do you plan to increase traffic and monetize your website with ads? Are your plans to sell products or services online? Without an established web presence, you won’t be able to achieve success. It all begins with choosing suitable web hosting.

The difference between shared and dedicated web hosting
Shared web hosting is very similar to an apartment building with tens of condos. Basically, you rent one condo, and you’re sharing resources with all the residents. In a real-world scenario, these resources range from water supply, electricity, pool area, parking, and more. The same thing happens when you choose shared hosting. You’re not alone on the server, and you are compelled to use services like bandwidth, CPU, and disk space with other websites.
Dedicated web hosting is a bit different. You get the chance to be alone on the server, and the resources available are all yours. It’s much like owning a house, where you don’t have to share the pool area or the backyard with anyone else.
Why is dedicated web hosting better than shared hosting?
Free web hosting seems to have many benefits because it’s incredibly cheap and accessible to small businesses with limited budgets. However, for your website to gain traction and become profitable, you need to keep your options open. Dedicated web hosting may be a little more expensive than shared hosting, but the perks offers will pay off in the long-term.
To begin with, with dedicated hosting you benefit from different, more advantageous specs like:
- Different location from other website
- DNS load balancer
- Full-control of DirectAdmin and cPanel/WHM
- Scalability to upgrade to more disk space and bandwidth
- Excellent customer service

If you general knowledge related to web hosting is limited, your best option is to consult with a specialist; and talk about the pros and cons available with all hosting packages. Free hosting seems like the most convenient option if you’re just getting started, but you should think in perspective. At some point you’ll want to monetize your business, and you can’t do it with a free package. However, to bridge the make a realistic investment, choose VPS hosting – which perfectly combined free hosting and dedicated hosting into once bulletproof package.
Choose a web hosting package that meets the demand of your online business
Why does the performance of your website matter so much? Prospects and customers want to access a website fast, and be able to get the information they’re looking for in seconds. With free hosting, your website may be having loading problems. Also, you can’t place the ads that you want. Most people don’t want to be forced to stumble upon random ads and commercials when accessing a site. They want to have a streamlined customer experience.
Dedicated web hosting services bridges the gap between speed, performance, and online customer experience. In general, website owner fear that their website might crash as the traffic increases. With dedicated hosting, that won’t happen. In fact, even if a threat emerges you’ll have a dedicated customer service team to help you get back on track.
Full data control & security with dedicated web hosting
Prior to making a final decision and settling on a website hosting package, you should be paying close attention to security concerns. A lot of people wrongfully believe that if they run a small business, nobody will want to steal their data. You’re wrong. In today’s advanced world of technology, even the smallest websites are at risk of getting hacked.

It’s natural to care about online security of your website. The problem is, you may not have it with cpanel shared hosting. As opposite to dedicated hosting, a shared option puts your business at risk. Think in the best interest of your website, and take precautionary measures ahead of time. Rather than risk your reputation online, it’s best to think into the future with an hosting option that makes the best of both worlds: VPS hosting. It’s the perfect mix between shared and dedicated web hosting.
About the author:
This article was provided by Charles Goodwin and Charles is a regular contributor to many sites and mainly focuses on business related topics. He also writes for: DataDial which is an digital marketing and web design agency.