There’s a reaction for every action, and Newton’s principle applies in the online environment too. In spite of our efforts to craft a safe heaven and exchange information safely and securely, cybercriminals will never stop trying to search and exploit loopholes. The good news is next-gen service providers are aware of the risks; the best in the field have the capacity to offer an added layer of security, and make sure companies are kept safe in the IoT.

The dangers of the public cloud
It’s no secret that the public cloud is a very dangerous environment. Just check the news and you’ll hear about some online theft or internet fraud. International and domestic thieves have a passion for repurposing personal information; they usually upload the data on a public server for everyone to access it. In special circumstances, they ask for a ransom and offer a deadline to give companies time to pay up. To avoid such loopholes, VPN services come to the rescue. What do they do? In layman’s terms, they wrap your internet activity, protecting it within a “tunnel”, so that no one from the outside can have access.
Not all VPN services are the same - learn to make a sensible choice
It’s natural for all VPN services on the market to claim they’re the best. In reality, things are a bit different. Companies shouldn’t fall into the trap that if a VPN service provider claims to provide top-quality services, that will actually happen. Hackers, hucksters, con artists are masterminds that can break through the strongest possible virtual walls. Sadly, in most cases, they’re experienced at exploiting VPNs and using them for their personal purposes.

Adherence with federal laws (e.g. Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
Your service provider should adhere to the best VPN practices. Steer clear of providers with shady offers and service packages. Don’t believe everything they say, and ask for proof each time they make a claim that doesn’t seem obvious. The DMCA Act was crafted to protect copyrights and content owners in the IoT and the digital environment. VPN users that want to use BitTorrent and access copyrighted content, for example, are all about keeping their identities a secret. The core goal is to prevent ISP from spotting DMCA violations, and as a consequence, suspend the service.
Trustworthy VPN service providers - how do you make the right pick?
A reliable VPN blocks illegal activity, like DDoS and BitTorrent attacks. They can do that with their own IP filtering system. Copyright infringement reports are delivered extremely fast, and often block or suspend users suspected of infringement. VPN companies should feature crystal-clear terms and conditions; they should have a policy in place, so that potential customers can see exactly what they can and can’t provide them. The best VPN providers use tools that mitigate and monitor abuse; outgoing email is often blocked from VPNs, to keep spam at bay.
Persuading customers to pay for the best VPN services
VPNs that provide excellent services are not free. Most feature monthly/yearly subscriptions that potential clients will have to pay for. This makes sure that those who use VPN services have identities (e.g. credit card, PayPal). Those that operate malicious websites seek tools that are free; free tools don’t demand a users to enter any personal information, meaning that they’re a lot easier to attack.
Keeping cybercrime under control with VPN
Before settling on a virtual private network (VPN), companies will have to make sure that the service is trustworthy. Illegal operations in the IoT are common; a lot of businesses don’t have secure internet network and some don’t hesitate to use free Wi-Fi to save up. Reliable VPN companies that collaborate with anti-abuse agencies are the most recommended. These pass malicious data to government officials that can handle and track such attacks. Tracking to prevent your business from a cyber attack is fundamental.

There’s a strong link between VPN, the IoT and the world wide web. Cyber criminals won’t hesitate to break through your system; regardless of the size of your business or company, you shouldn’t take things for granted. Choose a reputable VPN service that provides assistance too, not just protection from sudden DDoS attacks and trojans.
About the author:
This article was provided by Charles Goodwin and Charles is a regular contributor to many sites and mainly focuses on business related topics. He also writes for: DataDial which is an digital marketing and web design agency.